Sorting Search & Book results

How are the holiday accommodations sorted on the results page of the Find & Book function?

There are 2 different situations:

  • You search for availability

  • You are not searching for availability

You search for availability

When you search for availability (first block in the criteria) the sorting is based on starting date (increasing), duration (increasing) and rental price (increasing) that meet the search criteria. So all holiday accommodations that are available on the same start date, with the same duration are listed together with ascending price.
Each holiday home is listed only once (in the first free period).

Owners/landlords do not pay extra to be able to place a special price, last minute or early booking discount. It is not possible to appear higher in the search results by paying for this.

You do not search for availability

When you do not search for availability the holiday accommodations for which reviews have been posted will appear at the top, the rest are listed below. The review score itself is not a sorting criterion. Within the group with or without reviews the order is random.

Owners/landlords do not pay to participate in the review function and cannot get higher in the search results by paying for it.


Have questions about the order in which holiday accommodations are displayed in the search & book function? Feel free to contact us. You will find our email address below.

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