Beach finds on Vlieland

Beach finds on Vlieland

Beach finds on Vlieland
» Shells

During long walks on the beach, you can come across all kinds of things.
You can search endlessly along the tide line for beautiful shells.
Especially in the shell banks, you can search endlessly for small and special shells.

Beach finds on Vlieland

Beach finds on Vlieland
» Crabs and lobsters

Many animals too, including crabs, hermit crabs, jellyfish and shrimps.

Large numbers of gulls and sanderlings. Usually only 2 or 3 oystercatchers. Sometimes a few black-tailed godwits.
Eider ducks and cormorants can sometimes be seen resting on the piers.

Beach finds on Vlieland

Beach finds on Vlieland
» Amber stone

Little sparkles on the beach, the tiny yellow translucent amber stones are hard to find. But many an islander goes out on a beautiful day after a storm to see if they can find the yellow gold on the beach.

Beach finds on Vlieland

Beach finds on Vlieland
» Beachcombing

But unfortunately, lots of rubbish washes ashore too.
But you can also enjoy beachcombing among all this rubbish. Who knows, you might find something special.... Or bottle mail, of course.
Or: Join us, redeem the sea.

Beach finds on Vlieland
100 accommodations found
Konnet, Beach finds on Vlieland
`t Kulkje, Beach finds on Vlieland
Kwartel, Beach finds on Vlieland
Kwikstaart, Beach finds on Vlieland
Leeuwerik, Beach finds on Vlieland
Lindeval, Beach finds on Vlieland
Lydinge, Beach finds on Vlieland
Margriet, Beach finds on Vlieland
Mierennest, Beach finds on Vlieland
Nautilus, Beach finds on Vlieland
Notenkraker, Beach finds on Vlieland
De Ontdekking, Beach finds on Vlieland
Paddestoel, Beach finds on Vlieland
Pallieter, Beach finds on Vlieland
Panorama, Beach finds on Vlieland
Pierewiet, Beach finds on Vlieland
Pimpelmees, Beach finds on Vlieland
Pirola, Beach finds on Vlieland
Poolster, Beach finds on Vlieland
Ribosoom, Beach finds on Vlieland
De Robbenhoeve, Beach finds on Vlieland
Rozenbottel, Beach finds on Vlieland
Rustenburg, Beach finds on Vlieland
Salamander, Beach finds on Vlieland
Sam-Sam, Beach finds on Vlieland
Schoener, Beach finds on Vlieland
Seal Cottage, Beach finds on Vlieland
Sloep, Beach finds on Vlieland
Sonnevanck, Beach finds on Vlieland
Springtij, Beach finds on Vlieland
de Steltloper, Beach finds on Vlieland
De Strandloper, Beach finds on Vlieland
De Strandpluvier, Beach finds on Vlieland
Stuurboord, Beach finds on Vlieland
Stuurboord met `t Vooronder, Beach finds on Vlieland
Summum, Beach finds on Vlieland
Suomi, Beach finds on Vlieland
`t Sweltsje, Beach finds on Vlieland
Sylt, Beach finds on Vlieland
Thalassa, Beach finds on Vlieland
Thalia, Beach finds on Vlieland
`t Hazenduin, Beach finds on Vlieland
Thuisje, Beach finds on Vlieland
Tobbedanser, Beach finds on Vlieland
Tomare, Beach finds on Vlieland
`t Toppunt, Beach finds on Vlieland
Tranquillizer, Beach finds on Vlieland
Aalscholver, Beach finds on Vlieland
Aan de kust, Beach finds on Vlieland
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Albatros, Beach finds on Vlieland
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Anna, Beach finds on Vlieland
Arendsnest, Beach finds on Vlieland
Bakboord, Beach finds on Vlieland
Bim, Beach finds on Vlieland
Boeier, Beach finds on Vlieland
Bos en Duin, Beach finds on Vlieland
Boszicht (Duinkersoord), Beach finds on Vlieland
de Brigantijn, Beach finds on Vlieland
Cranberry Hill, Beach finds on Vlieland
De Benteng, Beach finds on Vlieland
De Tille, Beach finds on Vlieland
Dock20, Beach finds on Vlieland
de Dolfijn, Beach finds on Vlieland
Drosera, Beach finds on Vlieland
Duinpieper, Beach finds on Vlieland
Duinroos, Beach finds on Vlieland
Efkes Lins, Beach finds on Vlieland
Eider, Beach finds on Vlieland
Elfenbankje, Beach finds on Vlieland
Euphrosine, Beach finds on Vlieland
Fazant, Beach finds on Vlieland
Flierefluiter, Beach finds on Vlieland
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Galjoen, Beach finds on Vlieland
Goudvink, Beach finds on Vlieland
Hagedis, Beach finds on Vlieland
De Hemel, Beach finds on Vlieland
`t Hoge Land, Beach finds on Vlieland
Hoogaars, Beach finds on Vlieland
`t Hörntje, Beach finds on Vlieland
de Hut, Beach finds on Vlieland
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Iris, Beach finds on Vlieland
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Karekiet, Beach finds on Vlieland
Klaproos, Beach finds on Vlieland
Klaverblad, Beach finds on Vlieland
Kleine Beer, Beach finds on Vlieland

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