High tide on Vlieland

High tide on Vlieland

High tide on Vlieland

Life on Vlieland is linked to the sea and its tides.

High tide is therefore a well-known phenomenon on Vlieland.

By constructing dikes and fixing the dunes, the village is well protected against this impressive force of nature protected from this impressive force of nature.

Storm is not the only source of high water on Vlieland.

High tide on Vlieland

High tide on Vlieland
» water level

High tide occurs twice a day and the actual water level is partly determined by air pressure and wind.

As a result, the water does not flow over the quays at every high tide.

During high tide, the beach on Vlieland is a lot narrower and sometimes the sea knocks large chunks off the dunes the dunes.

High tide on Vlieland

High tide on Vlieland
» spring tide

Two to three days after the full moon, spring tide occurs in the Netherlands.

As a result, the water level is higher than average and there is a greater chance the Havenplein and eastern Field to be flooded.

Spring tide is a good time to experience high water on Vlieland up close.

High tide on Vlieland

High tide on Vlieland
» coupure

When a high water level is expected on Vlieland, islanders come into action.

Residents on Havenweg place bulkheads and sandbags in front of their doors and in more extreme cases, the coupure at the beginning of Dorpsstraat is also raised.

The coupure is a water-resistant concrete hatch that closes the dike ring around the village and protects against high water.

High tide on Vlieland

High tide on Vlieland
» special life

On Vlieland one does not only have a beautiful view over the sea, for daily life on Vlieland, the sea is also a determining factor.

Living with the sea and high tide provides variety and makes life on Vlieland so special!

High tide on Vlieland

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High tide on Vlieland
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