Snow on Vlieland

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Snow on Vlieland

Snow on Vlieland

When there is snow on Vlieland, the island takes on a special, fairytale-like, atmosphere.

A white blanket of snow over the dunes and beach, inviting you to take your first footsteps in it.

The crunch of fresh snow under your feet and views over Vlieland and the sea.

Snow on Vlieland

Snow on Vlieland
» the forest

Vlieland's forests are also beautiful in the snow and worth a walk.

From the village you can walk straight into the woods, nice and close by.

And the many footpaths mean you can make the walk as short or long as you like.

`t Duinpannetje, Snow on Vlieland

Snow on Vlieland
» tracking

In the snow, tracks of Vlieland wildlife can often be seen.

Besides the various paw prints, you can also find bare patches in the snow; rabbits scratch snow aside to eat from the underlying grass.

Fun to look for the tracks of a rabbit or one of the many bird species!

Duinzand, Snow on Vlieland

Snow on Vlieland
» warming up

And after a refreshing walk through the snow, it is great to seek out the cosiness in the village.

On Vlieland, you can visit several catering establishments to warm up and enjoy a snack and a (hot) drink.

de Eidereend, Snow on Vlieland

Snow on Vlieland
» winter sports

When there is enough snow on Vlieland, winter sports enthusiasts also have a great time on the island.

The high dunes are a pleasure to sled down, but cross- country skiing through the Dorpsstraat is also possible!

Flevo 2, Snow on Vlieland

Snow on Vlieland
» search and book!

On the Wadden island of Vlieland you can experience a lot of snow fun!

So did you fancy a Vlieland 'winter holiday'?

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11 lastminutes voor Snow on Vlieland (wisselt elke 5 sec)

Snow on Vlieland
100 accommodations found
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