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In the village, the trees are in bloom.
In the dunes, you see many apple trees in bloom, which are normally not so conspicuous, but are now so beautifully white or pink.
In the dunes, the gorse is in full bloom.
Soon all the rosehip bushes will also be in bloom again.
Even the gorse, especially near the lighthouse, has almost finished flowering.
Along many paths on Vlieland, you will come across apple blossoms, created from apple cores discarded by cyclists and walkers.
The Wadden dike is yellow with buttercups and dandelions.
The Oosterseveld along the mudflats is coloured pink with flowering English Grass.
Some species of orchids are currently in bloom. Other species in July and August.
And lots of young birds. In this photo, the young eider ducks in the Kroons Polders.
Going to Vlieland in spring? Then book a holiday accommodation in the spring.
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