discover the Vliehors

discover the Vliehors

» the Sahara of the North

Europe's largest sand flat is on Vlieland. During the week Vliehors is only passable with the Vliehors Expres, as the west of the island is part of defence. This large sand plain is a military firing range which is in international use for airborne airborne exercises. When the flags are hoisted, it is not possible to admire the vast plain.

discover the Vliehors

discover the Vliehors
» Drowning cottage

About 7 kilometres from the flags stands the drowning house. Traditionally, shipwrecked or lost people could find shelter here during high tide. Nowadays, the drowning house is a beachcomber's museum, with all the beachcomber items found on the Vlieland beach. The house is locked and can only be visited if you take the Vliehors expres.

discover the Vliehors

discover the Vliehors
» Vliehors express

The big yellow trucks that leave poems in the sand. The only transporter that takes you across the Vliehors. A ride over the beach with stories about the sea and the island.

discover the Vliehors

discover the Vliehors
» on an adventure

Would you like to walk on the Vliehors by yourself? Then keep in mind the tide, during high tide it is more difficult to walk safely across the sandy plain. To walk to the tip of the island, we recommend cycling to the camp, just past the Posthuys, and start walking from there. Please note that the drenkenlingenhuisje is halfway, which is a 7-kilometre walk from the flags, and you need to be back at the flags before dark. Once the flags are raised, it is forbidden to go up the hors.

discover the Vliehors
100 accommodations found
de Luwte, discover the Vliehors
No5 Bakboord, discover the Vliehors
No5 Stuurboord, discover the Vliehors
`t Duinpannetje, discover the Vliehors
Duinzand, discover the Vliehors
de Eidereend, discover the Vliehors
Flevo 2, discover the Vliehors
Flevo 3, discover the Vliehors
Flevo 4, discover the Vliehors
Flevo 5, discover the Vliehors
Flevo 6, discover the Vliehors
Appartement in Badhotel Bruin met balkon, discover the Vliehors
Appartement in Badhotel Bruin met terras, discover the Vliehors
Karma, discover the Vliehors
De Kievit, discover the Vliehors
Lahringen (3), discover the Vliehors
de Lichtboei, discover the Vliehors
Nadien, discover the Vliehors
Onder Ons, discover the Vliehors
Puur Zee, discover the Vliehors
Puur Zon, discover the Vliehors
Rosilee, discover the Vliehors
De Uitblinker, discover the Vliehors
Ut Endt 1, discover the Vliehors
Ut Endt 2, discover the Vliehors
Ut Endt 3, discover the Vliehors
Ut Endt 4, discover the Vliehors
Ut Endt 5, discover the Vliehors
Ut Endt 6, discover the Vliehors
Vallei, discover the Vliehors
Veerman I, discover the Vliehors
Veerman V, discover the Vliehors
Veerman VII, discover the Vliehors
Vlieden, discover the Vliehors
Vlienest (Eureka 18), discover the Vliehors
Vooronder, discover the Vliehors
Vosseburcht, discover the Vliehors
Wadnimf, discover the Vliehors
de Windveer, discover the Vliehors
Wolfshoeck, discover the Vliehors
de Zanding, discover the Vliehors
Zeedrift, discover the Vliehors
Zeepost, discover the Vliehors
Zee van Tijd (Eureka 10), discover the Vliehors
Zilte Zee, discover the Vliehors
Wilgenhof A-2 & A-3, discover the Vliehors
Wilgenhof B-1 & B-4, discover the Vliehors
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Anna, discover the Vliehors
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Brandend Zand, discover the Vliehors
Bries, discover the Vliehors
de Brigantijn, discover the Vliehors
BuitenGewoon, discover the Vliehors
Cranberry Hill, discover the Vliehors
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De Branding, discover the Vliehors
Vlaamse Gaai, discover the Vliehors
De Tille, discover the Vliehors
De Vlier, discover the Vliehors
Dock20, discover the Vliehors
de Dolfijn, discover the Vliehors
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de Dúnstikel, discover the Vliehors
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Eider, discover the Vliehors
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Fazant, discover the Vliehors
Flierefluiter, discover the Vliehors
Galei, discover the Vliehors
Galjoen, discover the Vliehors
Goudvink, discover the Vliehors
Hagedis, discover the Vliehors
De Hemel, discover the Vliehors
de Beurs, discover the Vliehors

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