Storm on Vlieland

Storm on Vlieland

Storm on Vlieland

It is not often windless on Vlieland, but sometimes it blows very hard.

A storm on Vlieland regularly causes spectacle and usually results in beautiful pictures on.

The rough sea, impressively heavy gusts of wind, High tide a narrow beach and chipped dunes.

Storm on Vlieland

Storm on Vlieland
» autumn and winter

As Vlieland is surrounded by the sea, storms are more frequent and violent there than in the inland.

The wind is less inhibited by obstacles at sea and therefore reaches higher speeds.

In autumn and winter, you are most likely to experience a storm on Vlieland.

There can also be storms in summer, but the storms are often less severe and of shorter duration.

Storm on Vlieland

Storm on Vlieland
» dune erosion

During a storm on Vlieland, the raging sea sometimes knocks off large chunks of dune blown off.

This is a natural process that contributes to increased sand shifting and therefore to young dune formation.

Due to human intervention, the dunes are now much more fixed than in the past.

On the contrary, drifting in the dunes creates a more natural and dynamic dune landscape with a greater variety of plant and animal species.

Storm on Vlieland

Storm on Vlieland
» natural forces

Experiencing a storm on Vlieland is a special experience.

It gives you the chance to experience the power of nature and the island's elements in an intense experience.

And of course it is also lovely to end a stormy day in one of the cosy catering establishments on the island.

Or reminisce in your warm accommodation while you hear the wind whipping hard outside.

Flierefluiter, Storm on Vlieland

Storm on Vlieland
» itinerary

When a severe storm is forecast, it may occur that no express service to Vlieland sails or that the timetable is adjusted.

It is therefore recommended on stormy days to check your schedule to or from Vlieland. You can check this via the official channels of Rederij Doeksen or via our timetable

Galei, Storm on Vlieland

Storm on Vlieland
» holidays during the storm

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Storm on Vlieland
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